Graphic Novel Review: Miles Morales: Stranger Tides
Miles Morales is back with a new adventure from Graphix and Scholastic! Read on for a spoiler-free review of Miles Morales: Stranger Tides by Justin A. Reynolds and Pablo Leon.

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Miles Morales Stranger Tides Review
Our favorite Afro-Latino superhero Miles Morales is back with this sequel to Miles Morales: Shock Waves and settling a bit uncomfortably into his role as Spider-Man. While at a video game launch ceremony, he is transported by old foe Trinity. Miles and Trinity work together to stop a strange occurrence in which people on Earth are “freezing” in place including Miles’ uncle!
Working to unmask the Stranger (who freezes humanity because he doesn’t like human behavior) Miles and Trinity get help from Miles’ bestie Ganke and a familiar face from school, Mr. Granderson. Despite Miles’ initial distrust of Trinity, the two quickly get over their past interactions and I liked the overarching theme that even people who were once enemies can come together for the greater good.
Stranger Tides takes place a few months after Miles Morales: Shock Waves and using the Stranger as a foe was a brilliant move by Justin A. Reynolds. The Stranger’s outrage at the crime and despair that humans cause is actually relatable.
Miles Morales: Stranger Tides continues Miles’ tradition of working to protect his community. So much of Miles’ responsibilities come down to bucking what his personal desires are (hanging with friends and video games) and sacrificing for the greater good. Stranger Tides also gives Miles more experience of being a superhero however, no other “popular” superheroes show up just yet to partner with him.
The artwork is just as good if not better than the first Miles Morales comic. Pablo Leon gives texture and just the right amount of fun details in Miles’s surroundings both on Earth and in spaceships. Overall Miles Morales: Stranger Tides is an entertaining continuation of Miles Morales as Spider-Man.