Review: ‘Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story’
“Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story” is a heartwarming documentary set in the remote Shetland Islands. The film follows Billy, his wife Susan, and their loyal sheepdog Jade as they welcome a wild otter named Molly into their family. Molly, in desperate need of help and practically starving, washes up on their jetty, and Billy finds himself at a personal crossroads.
As Billy cares for Molly, providing her with food and shelter, Molly also helps Billy rediscover a part of himself that had been shoved away. The documentary doesn’t go into too much detail but Billy notes that he knows the feeling of being utterly alone in the world and it’s clear he wanted Molly to survive. At one point in the documentary, Billy notes that he and Susan don’t have children and so Molly allows that nurturing instinct to be filled.
The documentary is filled with beautiful cinematography, capturing the vibrant beauty of Shetland’s spring and the harsh, rugged winters where Molly makes herself scarce. Susan narrates the majority of the film, sharing sweet moments like Billy buying a ball pit for Molly or when she accidentally discovers that Molly has a life outside of them, as she plays with other otters and hunts at a nearby loch.
“Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story” is a film that explores themes of love, acceptance, and the profound connection between humans and nature. It is a touching story of how an unexpected friendship can bring joy and peace.
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