The Film “Boston Strangler” Transports Viewers Back to a Newsroom in the 1960s
“Boston Strangler” is a gripping crime drama streaming on Hulu. The film is based on true events that follow a determined reporter’s quest for answers in the face of a horrific crime spree. The movie stars two talented actresses, Carrie Coon and Keira Knightley, who deliver powerful performances as two women who investigate a case of unsolved strangulation murders in the Boston area. Read on for a spoiler-free review of the film “Boston Strangler” directed by Matt Ruskin.
Loretta McLaughlin (Kiera Knightley) is a journalist who covers the case of the Boston Strangler in the 1960s. The Boston Strangler was a serial killer who murdered 13 women in the Boston area between 1962 and 1964. Mclaughlin partners with Jean Cole (Carrie Coon) and they report on the investigation, which results in them discovering a connection between multiple suspects.
The movie explores the persistence and determination of these women reporters in the 21st century, as they navigate newsroom politics that is often unfair because of their sex. Their dedication to uncovering the truth in the face of sexism is inspiring, and the movie does an excellent job of portraying the struggles (both professional and personal) that women faced during the 1960s.
The atmospheric feel of “Boston Strangler” is both creepy and haunting. The film’s cinematography captures the mood perfectly, with muted tones and dark living spaces that create a sense of unease throughout the film. Every single scene inside a building matches the mood of the movie, especially when the victims are shown doing their day-to-day activities. However, the movie never crosses the line into exploitative territory, instead focusing on the human drama of two women trying to crack the case before more women die.
The problem with the film “Boston Strangler,” is that it jumps around much too quickly. One minute we are following Knightley’s character Loretta Mclaughlin as she scours the case for similarities and then a second later three years have gone by. In the middle of the film, another time jump where the murderer is supposedly found and it’s confusing considering two of the potential criminals aren’t really shown much until the very end.
Overall, “Boston Strangler” is a powerful movie that showcases the strength and determination of women in the face of distrust and sexism. With standout performances by Carrie Coon and Keira Knightley, the film is a must-watch for anyone who loves crime dramas or determined investigative reporters.
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