Book Review: The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette’s
Students at St. Bernadettes are struck by a mysterious screaming illness. Girls suddenly start having screaming fits. Is it mass hysteria or something more sinister going on? Most can’t remember what caused their screaming, but those that do, know there is something in the shadows lurking and watching. So begins the premise of The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadettes, a new novel from author Hanna Alkaf. Chasing Pixies had the chance to review an advance reader’s copy of this novel. Read on for our spoiler free book review of The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette’s.
*Note* This book contains references to sexual abuse, rape, trauma, and PTSD.
The book flip flops between two point of views of students at St. Bernadette’s; Khadijah and Rachel. The book’s first point of view is from Khadijah. Khadijah has been mute since she was sexually assaulted by her stepfather. She becomes interested in investigating the screaming after her sister falls prey to the screams. The second point of view is from Rachel, who is a top student at the school, who is dealing with an overbearing mother and her expectations. Rachel and Khadijah (Khad) find their stories intertwined as they delve into the school’s past.
What did Chasing Pixies think?
This was an interesting read. I thought The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette’s would seem like it might be a thriller, but it is not scary. While we the reader find out more about the screaming and the cause, the book is ultimately a story about women. It is about how young women learn to find their voices, themselves, and stand up against that society for what is right.
I also enjoyed the writing style of this book and it was easy to ready going back and forth between the two point of views. The formatting also works well for text messages the characters send and received, making the story flow well.
My biggest complaint about The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette’s would have to be the ending. I was left feeling incomplete without a full wrap up of the story. While there was much symbolism in what happened at the end of the novel, it left me as the reader wanting the story to be completed.
Overall, this is a smooth, quick read and is geared towards high school and up. I liked the message at the end of the book, but wish it had a different ending. The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette’s is available now on Amazon or at any major bookseller.